Enacard is a brand name of the drug enalapril, which is a drug used to treat heart failure and high blood pressure. It makes blood vessels become wider, reducing the workload on the heart.
Enacard is a brand name of the drug enalapril, which is a drug used to treat heart failure and high blood pressure. It makes blood vessels become wider, reducing the workload on the heart.
Benefortin is a brand name of an ACE inhibitor called benazepril that comes in a flavoured tablet. It is usually prescribed to dogs with heart failure and/or high blood pressure. It is also prescribed to lower urinary protein levels in cats and dogs with chronic kidney disease (CKD).
Stronghold is a prescription-only spot-on medication for cats and dogs. It treats a variety of skin parasites (scabies, fleas, ear mites, biting lice) and internal parasites (roundworm, hookworm, heartworm).
Advocate is a prescription-only spot-on medication for dogs and cats that treats fleas, lice, mites, roundworms, lungworms, and heartworms.
Zitac is a brand name of the drug cimetidine. It blocks histamine receptors in the stomach to reduce stomach acid production. It’s commonly used in cases of gastritis to help prevent vomiting.
Capstar is a non-prescription oral medication for dogs and cats that treats adult fleas. It works quickly but stops working after 24-48 hours, meaning daily dosing would be needed to provide any lasting protection.
Advantage is an over-the-counter spot-on flea treatment containing the active ingredient imidacloprid.
Trocoxil is an anti-inflammatory medication belonging to the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug family. It is used to treat chronic pain such as degenerative joint disease (arthritis) in dogs.
Cimalgex is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug used to treat pain and inflammation in dogs. The active ingredient is cimicoxib.
Frontline Plus is a non-prescription flea and tick treatment containing the active ingredients fipronil and (S)-methoprene.