


Benazecare is a brand name for the drug benazepril. Vets often prescribe benazepril for heart failure and/or high blood pressure in dogs. Benazepril also reduces urinary protein levels in dogs and cats with chronic kidney disease (CKD).

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Pexion contains a drug called imepitoin, which is mostly used to control seizures in dogs. Your vet may recommend Pexion if your dog has been diagnosed with epilepsy. Pexion is also sometimes used to help dogs with anxiety.

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Metrobactin contains an antibiotic called metronidazole, which is used to treat a variety of infections caused by bacteria and parasites. Your vet may suggest this drug if your pet has got a skin, joint, or stomach infection.

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Ipakitine is a calcium-based phosphate binder. It’s used to stop cats and dogs with kidney problems and high blood phosphorus from absorbing more phosphorus from their diets, therefore reducing total blood phosphorus. It helps to improve quality of life and prognosis, because because high phosphorus levels in the blood can worsen kidney problems.

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Feliway diffusers contain a synthetic version of feline pheromones and are used to treat anxiety-related behaviours in cats, often due to stress. There are several types of Feliway available including Classic, Optimum, Friends, and Help!

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