
safe information for your clients

Is your team

Petlearnia can help!


Of pet owners would engage with learning their vet recommended


Complaints are about communications-related issues that Petlearnia can solve

Why partner with petlearnia?

We’ll help you meet the pet owner information need with our next-level client handouts

Save time

Reduce extended consults and long phone calls with a Petlearnia knowledge prescription.

Reduce complaints

Most complaints are due to miscommunication and a lack of understanding.

Improve outcomes

With understanding comes adherence to recommendations, and improved outcomes follow.

our mission

As vets ourselves, we know how much time is taken up explaining diseases like atopic dermatitis or cruciate disease. But pet owners can only take in 20% of what we say. And research has shown that two-thirds of pet owners go away from a consultation and research on the internet anyway, many of them because they’re still confused. 

That’s where Petlearnia comes in. We help you take back control over their research while saving your vets’ time to see other patients.

our unique approach

  • Not just writing on a page – we’ve designed our courses to be engaging for all learning styles
  • Accessibility and readability are key – we’re constantly improving both
  • Frictionless – prescribe learning in a single step, from your dedicated practice webpage
  • Regularly updated – our bot constantly checks for news that might change our courses, so our vets can make the updates
  • Crowdsourced knowledgebase – we collect tips and feedback from pet owners, ‘vet’ them, then insert them back into the course. Peer-to-peer learning and support without the misinformation.

How does it work?

Using Petlearnia is simple!

  1. Diagnose a condition 
  2. Prescribe learning using a single-step web form
  3. The client receives an email with their account and course details 
  4. The client gets access to our course for the rest of their pet’s life. 


£120 £70per FTE vet per month
  • Unlimited prescriptions
  • Client gets unlimited access
  • Request courses
  • Monthly invoicing
  • No tie-in
  • Whitelabelled version available *


£10per prescription
  • Easy start-up
  • Client gets unlimited access
  • Request courses
  • Monthly invoicing

Prescribe knowledge, elevate practice

Or contact us to find out more