

Pronefra for cats and dogs







Strength of evidence


What is Pronefra?

Pronefra is the brand name for a dietary supplement containing calcium carbonate, magnesium carbonate, chitosan, astragalus and oligopeptides. The supplement is designed to help pets with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) by preventing the uptake of phosphorus in their diet, keeping their blood pressure normal, and binding toxins. Pronefra will not cure your pet’s CKD, but it may slow the progression of the condition and improve your pet’s quality of life.

How does Pronefra work?

The five active ingredients in Pronefra work in slightly different ways to help protect your pet’s kidneys.

The way these ingredients work is described below:

  • Calcium carbonate – this ingredient binds to phosphorus in the gut to lower the amount of phosphorus your pet absorbs into their blood.
  • Magnesium carbonate – this ingredient binds to phosphorus in the gut to lower the amount of phosphorus your pet absorbs into their blood.
  • Chitosan – this ingredient acts as both a phosphate binder and toxin sponge.
  • Oligopeptides – these help to achieve balanced blood pressure. 

The combination of these ingredients helps to take the pressure off your pet’s damaged kidneys, reducing their symptoms and improving their quality of life.

What is Pronefra used for?

Pronefra is used to support kidney function in cats and dogs with Chronic Kidney Disease. By managing phosphorus levels, Pronefra can take some of the pressure off your pet’s damaged kidneys, alleviate some of their symptoms, and improve their overall quality of life. Remember, Pronefra will not cure your pet’s CKD, but it may help to slow down the progression of the disease. The extent to which Pronefra works for your pet may depend on how severe their CKD is, and if any other treatments are being given.

Pronefra may help:

  • Lower blood phosphorus levels
  • Reduce CKD symptoms
  • Slow CKD progression
  • Improve quality of life
  • Increase life expectancy

What’s the evidence for Pronefra use?

  • Good

    There are several studies showing calcium carbonate and chitosan are effective at controlling high phosphorus levels

There is very good evidence to support the use of Pronefra. As for many other drugs, research studies in animals are limited. Several studies suggest the use of products containing calcium carbonate and chitosan in pets with CKD is safe and effective at controlling high phosphorus levels. Pronefra has been shown to have additional positive effects on other indicators of CKD, such as reducing creatinine. One study even found that Pronefra was the tastiest supplement available for cats with CKD, improving the ease of administration.

It is important to remember that Pronefra must be used as part of a comprehensive CKD treatment plan. Other treatment measures may include additional fluids, a special CKD diet, and other medications, such as drugs that can encourage your pet to eat (like Eluracat or Mirataz) or control anaemia.  

How to give Pronefra safely

1. Check with your vet: While Pronefra is not a prescription drug, it’s best to use it under the guidance of a vet. Not all pets with CKD will benefit from Pronefra, so you should check with your vet whether they advise its use.

2. Use syringe provided to draw up the dose: With all drugs, it’s safest to use the provided syringe as it fits into the mouth of the bottle and has accurate measurements on the side. Once the syringe is in the mouth of the bottle, invert the bottle and draw on the plunger to pull up the right amount of drug.

3. Pronefra dose: For cats, Pronefra is usually dosed at 1ml for every 4kg, while for dogs it’s 1ml for every 5kg. That said, your vet might advise a different dose – please check with them before use and follow their instructions.

4. Put on food or in mouth: Pronefra is highly palatable and most pets will take it mixed into their food. If you need to, you can give it directly into their mouth but this should be around mealtime so that the binders in the Pronefra can work on the food.

5. Check with your vet if giving anything else: Your vet should be aware of other drugs your pet is on, but it’s always worth double-checking in case there’s been a miscommunication somewhere. If your pet is on supplements or non-prescription treatments you should also tell your vet, as they may not be suitable to be given with Pronefra.

6. Storage and handling: Store Pronefra according to the instructions on the packaging, usually in a cool (below 25°C) and dry place. Make sure it’s out of reach of children and other pets. Wash hands after use.

7. Report any accidental overdose to your vet immediately: If you have mistakenly given too much Pronefra, report it to your vet as soon as you realise the error. They may recommend blood tests, intravenous fluids, or monitoring, depending on the severity of the overdose.

What does Semintra cost in the UK?

  • pound

    ££ – Moderate

    Semintra costs £40-80 per month

The cost of Semintra depends on your cat’s dose and size, as well as where you buy it from. Generally, you can expect to spend £40-80 per month on Semintra for cats. It’s advertised as a little less online than it costs at the vets, but don’t forget to include prescription and delivery costs in your calculations.

Pronefra FAQs

Is Pronefra a supplement?

Yes, Pronefra is a nutritional supplement used in dogs and cats with CKD. Pronefra will not cure your pet’s CKD, but it will help to support the kidneys and prevent further damage. Pronefra comes as a tasty liquid that can be added to your pet’s meal with a syringe.

Is Pronefra a phosphorus binder?

Yes, Pronefra contains calcium carbonate, magnesium carbonate, and chitosan which all bind to phosphorus in the gut. This prevents phosphorus from being absorbed into your pet’s blood.

How do you use a Pronefra syringe?

Follow these steps to use a Pronefra syringe appropriately:

  1. Work out the dose of Pronefra your pet will need (1ml/4kg cat and 1ml/5kg dog)
  2. Shake the bottle of Pronefra.
  3. Unscrew the white cap from the bottle.
  4. Screw the blue cap onto the bottle.
  5. Firmly insert the blue syringe onto the blue cap of the bottle.
  6. Flip the bottle upside down and pull the plunger on the syringe to fill it to the dose required.
  7. Return the bottle to its normal position and remove the syringe.
  8. Press down on the plunger of the syringe to release Pronefra onto your pet’s meal.

If you are still struggling with how to use a Pronefra syringe, meet with your vet or vet nurse and they will help show you how to do this.  

Are there Pronefra alternatives?

Pronefra is the only 4-in-1 kidney supplement for pets with renal failure aka Chronic Kidney Disease. That said, there are other phosphorus binders such as:

  • Ipakatine (which comes as a powder to mix with food)
  • Renal diets, which may contain phosphorus binders

Talk to your vet, who will be able to recommend an alternative medication if you’re struggling to give Pronefra for any reason.

More help with your pet’s kidney disease

If your pet is on Pronefra, these resources may be of interest to you. They have been written by vets and are regularly updated. What’s more, when you get a course you can sign up to updates – we’ll let you know of any important research or new medications that might help your pet.

Dr Joanna Woodnutt BVM BVS BVMedSci MRCVS
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