
Dental Disease in Dogs

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Bad teeth in dogs? Try this! Designed for dedicated dog owners like you, this ‘Dental Disease in Dogs’ course offers an in-depth understanding of canine dental health, a topic often overlooked but critical for your dog’s overall well-being.

Why This Course is a Must for Every Dog Owner

Dental disease is one of the most common health issues in dogs, yet it’s frequently undetected until it becomes severe. Our course empowers you with knowledge and practical solutions to prevent, identify, and manage dental diseases in your furry friend.

After completing the course, you should be more confident discussing treatment options with your dog’s vet, caring for your dog following their procedure, and choosing periodontal disease prevention methods that suit you and your dog best.

What You’ll Learn

Understanding Canine Dental Health

  • Basics of Dog Dental Anatomy Dive into the world of canine teeth and gums. Understand how your dog’s mouth works and why dental care is vital.
  • Recognizing Dental Diseases Learn to identify the signs and symptoms of dental diseases in dogs

Preventative Care

  • Daily Dental Care Routines Discover effective daily dental care techniques and products to keep your dog’s teeth clean and healthy.
  • Professional Dental Cleaning Understand when and why professional cleanings are necessary and what happens during these procedures.

Treatment and Management

  • Treating Dental Diseases Explore the treatment options for periodontitis in dogs
  • Pain Management and Recovery Gain insights into managing your dog’s comfort during and after dental procedures.

Nutritional Considerations

  • Diet and Dental Health Learn how your dog’s diet can impact their dental health and what foods are beneficial for maintaining strong, healthy teeth.

Course Benefits

  • Expertly Crafted Content: Authored by veterinary professionals, you get access to trustworthy and accurate information.
  • Practical Tips and Advice: Learn not just the theory but also practical ways to apply your knowledge.
  • Lifetime Access: Enroll once and gain access to the course for the rest of your dog’s life, including any updates.

Enrol Today

Don’t wait until dental disease affects your dog’s quality of life – be proactive about their dental health.

Enrol in our “Dental Disease in Dogs” course today and take the first step towards ensuring a happy, healthy life for your canine companion.

Please note that while this course provides comprehensive information on dental disease in dogs, it does not replace the need for regular veterinary check-ups and professional dental care.

Click play to hear from Hannah, the vet who wrote this course. Hannah is a small animal vet who has been working in practice for over a decade and has a passion for helping pet owners understand their pet’s health.

Dr Hannah Godfrey MRCVS

Course written by

Dr Hannah Godfrey BVetMed MRCVS

Dr Hannah is a small animal vet with a special interest in dentistry. She has worked with dogs since her graduation from the Royal Veterinary College in 2011 and is passionate about helping owners understand their pets better.

Dr Rory Colville, RCVS Advanced Practitioner in Small Animal Dentistry

Peer-reviewed by

Dr Rory Colville BVMS PgC(SADOS) MRCVS

Dr Colville is an RCVS Advanced Practitioner in Small Animal Dentistry. He works full-time in a practice in Stirling where he sees dental patients from near and far.

Course last updated: December 2023