

When it comes to buying things for your pets, you only want the best advice – nobody likes wasting money on things that don’t work.

We know how you feel. As vets, we don’t make tons of recommendations for best pet products. But when we do, we advise things with a good scientific basis and/or evidence that they work, and we only recommend products we genuinely find helpful.

You can browse our buying advice and information below:

  • Cats
  • Dogs

Our Petlearnia Promise

Petlearnia is reader-supported, which means that when you buy products through the links on our pages we may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you.

We never choose products based on the amount of commission we receive for doing so. Instead, our products are rated and chosen based on scientific evidence and personal experience.

We’ll do our best to make sure our recommendations are safe, but we cannot make personalised recommendations, so it’s your responsibility to choose the right product and use it safely.