
About Us

Who we are

We are a team of vets who specialise in writing content. Along with our admin team, we’ve been writing content for 3 years, publishing over 3000 articles all over the internet.

To create Petlearnia, we handpicked our best explainers from our team of writers, and added some veterinary specialists, some e-learning bods, and a graphics team. Find out more about The Veterinary Content Company.

Our vision and values

We envisage a world where engaged pet owners have the information they need to become partners in their pet’s healthcare.

We envisage a world where our veterinary colleagues can have a break time that isn’t spent on the phone explaining complex conditions. You know – the type of break where they can have a cup of tea and use the toilet if they need to.

And a world where the pet – pet owner – vet dynamic is supported. Because when we work together, our pets are healthier.

What we do

We create engaging, interactive e-learning courses that help pet owners understand their pet. Whether it’s an illness, a diagnostic plan, or part of routine healthcare, we believe learning why something is happening, what to do, and what to expect next is key.

Our pet owner e-learning courses are designed by e-learning educators, written by vets, and checked by specialists – that’s three teams of people making sure our courses are the best they can be. Courses are also regularly updated, and registered pet owners will receive those update notifications to let them know things have changed.

We’re partnering with veterinary practices to give pet owners the information they need to make decisions for their pets.

Our Story

Our founder, Dr Joanna Woodnutt MRCVS, has been passionate about educating owners since she graduated from vet school. She started the Veterinary Content Company in 2020, utilising a team of vets to provide safe, vet-approved pet health articles for the internet.

But that’s not always enough. Some people can’t learn from reading alone, and some diseases are almost impossible to explain with just words. And with wordcounts and SEO pressures applied by our clients, it isn’t always possible to get across all the information that we wanted to.

So Jo created Petlearnia. And when the Guernsey Digital Greenhouse offered a Startup Academy, she hopped right on to learn more about creating a tech business that can meet the needs of vets and pet owners alike. Over the next few months, Petlearnia took shape. And now it’s in the world!